Thursday, April 26, 2012

When Life Gives you PMS, Make it a Whoop Ass Day

Everyone knows the story.  Every month a woman becomes a whirling eating frenzy with an attitude.  I never really understood that personally, I barely noticed my monthly friend, except that she was an inconvenience but never really stayed long, so it was all good.  Now I'm older, and the thing about getting older is things become more of a pain in the ass; literally and figuratively.  My monthly friend is one of those.

Being who I am, I'm very optimistic and very opportunistic.  I have many things that need to be taken care of and sometimes with a little aggression.  So I wait until I can feel my tolerance level diminishing, then I make my list and make my phone calls.  Some would say this is the worst time because you're not being as reasonable as you would be otherwise.  I say, there is no better time; being reasonable rarely gets action.  Calling people with my big ol' turkey leg in one hand and a receiver in the other; that gets people jumping.  During this "special" time, I picture myself as the Tazmanian Devil, a tornado of destruction and grrrrr.  I eat and I bark.  I'm going to go through it anyway, so why not use it as a tool of getting things done?  Throw in holding in this anger for a month before taking action and there is just no stopping me.  I can change the world.

So really what we're talking about here is a good use of resources.  How could that ever be a bad thing.  If you disagree, well let me know and I'll give you a call to discuss it next month.

1 comment:

  1. I have nothing near as clever as this to say, just wanted you to know I love this!!!
