Thursday, March 15, 2012

Good Healthy Recipe

I caught the Pintrest bug not too long ago and found myself obsessed with high heel sparkly shoes I'll never wear and food.  I've calmed a bit (because they took my access away at work) but found it to be such a great place for ideas and innovation. 

One recipe I found was a quinoa salad.  If you know me I just don't like mixing vegtables and fruit and this particular salad had all kinds of things that I could never eat together.  So I took their idea and spun it into something I would try so I thought I would share in case there are others out there like me.  I've been running like crazy and still fat so I had to really concentrate on my eating habits. 

Here is the recipe I came up with:

1 cup uncooked quinoa (cook according to directions)
3 apples chopped and peeled
1/2 package of craisins
1/2 package of pomegranete craisins
1-2 drops lemon essential oil (food grade)
1-2 drops lime essential oil (food grade)
a splash of strawberry vinegar

Mix it all together, chill and eat.