Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why Do We Care What Other People Do?

We all do it.  Come one, we all do it.  We have strong opinions about other people's lives and choices.  That is a big reason why reality shows are so popular.  It gives us a place to spew all of our pent up righteous indignation.  I like a good train wreck reality show and a good amount of gossip about a train wreck life.  Generally speaking when we start to spew we go into detail about why we're better and how we wouldn't make the same choices as these losers.

So what if they are the biggest idiots around and make horrible choices?  Really, so what?  So what if they like things you don't like?  So what if they like a movie or song or book you don't like.  Why does it irritate some so much?

I have a couple of people in my life who really like to scrutinize and critique how I live my life.  I've often wondered why I was so darned interesting.  What confuses and really amuses me, is how angry they seem to become because of my  choices, right down to my choice of sliced bread.  I can't imagine all the wasted time that can be used trying to find happiness instead of looking around for one more thing to be angry about. The thing is, I'm often upset about it myself and do allow that power over me.  Its not going to happen any more. 

I'll admit, I've been an idiot.  I've made bad choices.  There are things I would have done differently.  But those are my consequences to bear.  It has made me vocal when I see others making a similar error in judgement.  I've decided to stop it.  I can share my experience if asked, but otherwise, unless someone really wants to hear my opinion or advice, I'll wait until they ask for it.  These are all challenges we must face to become the people we become in our future.  Everyday is step closer to a better you, even when you fall back a little.

Its made me more aware from being on the other end of it.  I may possibly be the biggest idiot the world has seen.  Why is that a bother to anyone unless you are depending on my supreme knowledge and wisdom?  If you are depending on it then you probably learn quickly that I'm neither wise nor knowledgeable; so move on to someone who's opinion and life you respect and find value from. 

I see people all around doing ugly things because they disagree with someone else's life choices.  Speck v. log anyone?  I know I could use lots of improvement, why would I want to waste the time I could be using to uplift myself and others around me I care about on people who I have no vested interest in and who are bad to me?

Be the change you want to see in the world? Then we all need to stop treating each other so crappy.  Especially those that we claim to love and care about.  I've challenged myself to not say anything negative.  Unfortunately, so far, its made me realize how quiet I am when I'm not bitchin' about something.  Sad.  I intend to turn that around.