Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So Bad at This Blog Thing

So 38 days to Marathon and I realized my running seemed to be regressing; I lost my mojo.  I had the WORST 3 mile run.  I felt like it was my first time running EVER. After reading every bit of inspiration I could find and tips etc one thing I noticed was how relaxed people seemed to be.  I decided to go and run a 6 miler "semi-naked" ; no music, no GPS, just clothes ; ) water and chapstick and tissue; the essentials in my world.  It was fantastic.  Everytime my legs began to ache I would remind myself to just relax and enjoy the run. 

There used to be no doubt I would finish the marathon.  I found myself starting to stress out about it and I think that's where I lost my mojo.  I was caring about so many of the small components and not just the act of running.  I am doing this as a goal for myself all I can do is give it my all but not at the expense of losing focus on the why.  So I'm getting back to basics of being healthy and letting the chips fall where they may.  I think that will more ensure my successful marathon more than anything else I do.  We'll see.....

As for the boys.  Joseph is back to full time work for the most part.  Hayden is working at the movie theater and really likes it.  Simon has been battling infections in his ears and sinus' and this appears to have caused an increase in his seizures.  We're talking 22 seizures last Wednesday.  We're still having a tough time getting him to sleep and stay asleep and his sleep Dr. prescribed an additional seizure med and we're increasing his others.  I hope we get him some relief soon. 

Life pretty much right now is working, running and being a mom. 

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