Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And Life Goes On...

Well, I did it.  I signed up for the Ogden Marathon.  Eek!  I found out I have a heart arryhthmia(sp), hypoglycemia and low blood pressure a few weeks ago and my ECHO is the 9th but I knew this marathon would sell out if I didn't sign up so I just went for it.  I imagine I should have everything sorted out by then and worse case will just have to not run it.  That I just don't see needing to happen though so I'm optimistic, excited and nervous!  Its a beautiful run though, Dave and I drove the course Sunday. 

My cute Simon has gained 4lbs!  I have to call the nutritionist and see if we need to reduce some of his calories.  Man oh man!  He's heavy and tall.  We've been very informally exploring growth attuneation(sp) as a possibility for him.  I probably better make the appointment to discussing it fully with an endo soon. 

Did you know hearing aids are crazy expensive and if you're born with a hearing loss insurance won't pay for it; except Medicaid, which we don't get sooooo; Simon won't be hearing for awhile until we get that sorted out.....

How is this for random thoughts?  We're still in limbo on all of Simon's stuff until the sleep study.   Our lives are me, running and Dave music and both of us as much sleep as we can fit in! 

The boys are living life day to day and nothing terribly new going on except we will have another driver in our home here in a few weeks....

Simon's Halloween costume was a hit.  I'll have to figure out how to include a picture.  Its sad that I don't know. LOL

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